Maths Quiz was held at NAKHLAH Auditorium for students of JCS on Friday 16th November, 2012 to enhance the mathematical skills of our students along with boosting up their confidence. The trial and error game was attended by mothers sitting inquisitively, holdingtheir breaths and praying for their children. The programme was based on four rounds i.e. Individual, Memory, Rapid Fire and Visuals. Alhamdulillah the programme ended on time. 07:44:382021-02-09 21:41:23Maths Quiz – Junior Campus Society (Nov, 2012)
Carrying on our mission to build personalities under the guidance of Ulama-e-Kiram, Alhamdulillah, a Muzakarah was hosted at NAKHLAH (JCS) on Sunday 4th November, 2012 with an aim of providing an opportunity to parents to learn parenting trends on the right path. The session by Hazrat Mufti Abdul Jabbar Sahib (Imam wa Khateeb Jamia Masjid Ali Phase-VI, D.H.A., Karachi) well attended by a reasonable number of enthusiastic parents.
It was followed by Dua to seek Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala assistance towards the fulfillment of our responsibilities. 07:43:222021-02-09 21:45:05Muzakarah for Parents (Nov, 2012)
Staying within the limits of Sharia recreational activities are allowed in Islam. Keeping this in view NAKHLAH has arranged this activity to enhance the efficacy of students towards curriculum. Girls Campus Society organized a picnic for classes VII to OIII on Tuesday 2nd October, 2012. They were taken to Pavilion End Club during school hours and Alhamdulillah everything was well planned and organized. Girls enjoyed different sports in complete Pardah arrangement. Along with sports, sharing and caring for one another and manners for eating were practiced on the day. We are thankful to the Pavilion End club administration for their support and facilitation.
Maths Quiz – Junior Campus Society (Nov, 2012)
/in News /by DanishMaths Quiz was held at NAKHLAH Auditorium for students of JCS on Friday 16th November, 2012 to enhance the mathematical skills of our students along with boosting up their confidence. The trial and error game was attended by mothers sitting inquisitively, holdingtheir breaths and praying for their children. The programme was based on four rounds i.e. Individual, Memory, Rapid Fire and Visuals. Alhamdulillah the programme ended on time.
Muzakarah for Parents (Nov, 2012)
/in News /by DanishCarrying on our mission to build personalities under the guidance of Ulama-e-Kiram, Alhamdulillah, a Muzakarah was hosted at NAKHLAH (JCS) on Sunday 4th November, 2012 with an aim of providing an opportunity to parents to learn parenting trends on the right path. The session by Hazrat Mufti Abdul Jabbar Sahib (Imam wa Khateeb Jamia Masjid Ali Phase-VI, D.H.A., Karachi) well attended by a reasonable number of enthusiastic parents.
It was followed by Dua to seek Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala assistance towards the fulfillment of our responsibilities.
Field Trip (Oct, 2012)
/in News /by DanishStaying within the limits of Sharia recreational activities are allowed in Islam. Keeping this in view NAKHLAH has arranged this activity to enhance the efficacy of students towards curriculum. Girls Campus Society organized a picnic for classes VII to OIII on Tuesday 2nd October, 2012. They were taken to Pavilion End Club during school hours and Alhamdulillah everything was well planned and organized. Girls enjoyed different sports in complete Pardah arrangement. Along with sports, sharing and caring for one another and manners for eating were practiced on the day. We are thankful to the Pavilion End club administration for their support and facilitation.